Our goal is for our pipeline and energy facilities to operate safely every day so that the public, our employees and the environment aren’t affected by an incident involving our assets. Safety is, and always will be, our number one value.
Whether you’re digging a foundation on a commercial jobsite, a swimming pool in your backyard or planting a tree, always know what’s below first. Before putting a shovel in the ground, contact your local One-Call Centre to have all underground utilities located and marked free of charge.
Consequences of unsafe digging include:
To ensure everyone’s safety, always call or click before you dig.
Crossing or completing work close to any of our facilities might also require written consent from TransCanada. Instructions on when and how to apply for written
consent is provided below the following One-Call contacts.
One-Call Centres
British Columbia | 1.800.474.6886 |
Alberta | 1.800.242.3447 |
Saskatchewan | 1.866.828.4888 |
Manitoba | 1.800.940.3447 |
Ontario | 1.800.400.2255 |
Quebec | 1.800.663.9228 |
Online Locate Requests: ClickBeforeYouDig.com
Mobile Phone Apps
Alberta — Dig Info AB: Apple iOS or Android
One-Call Center: 811
Online Locate Requests: Call811.com
One-Call Center — All States: 01.800.111.3333
Our company is committed to the safety of everyone living or working near our pipelines and associated facilities. Please keep in mind that certain activities can pose a risk to a pipeline and the people around it.
Before crossing or completing work that could result in a ground disturbance close to any of our facilities, it is imperative to contact us first to obtain written consent. “Crossing” can mean building or installing a temporary or permanent structure across, along or underneath a pipeline right of way or facility site.
Crossing could also mean driving a vehicle, mobile equipment or machinery along or across the right-of-way or site.
Once you’ve received permission from us, you can contact your local One-Call Centre.
The following lists the type of activities and installations generally not permitted by TransCanada on its right-of-ways:
If you need more information, please contact us:
Phone: 1.800.562.8931
Email: us_crossings@transcanada.com
Phone: 1.800.111.3333
For more information regarding working around our Canadian facilities, please see below.
To ensure our pipelines and facilities operate safely, written consent from TransCanada must be obtained in Canada before any of the following:
Image of the prescribed area, relative to a pipeline.
Agricultural crossings
Landowners operating agricultural vehicles across TransCanada’s pipeline rights-of-way may do so without consent provided they operate under normal conditions.
Normal operating conditions include:In all other conditions, written consent is required.
1. Determine the location of your work relative to TransCanada's facilities
When planning, and before any of the work or activities listed above can begin, a request for consent must be submitted to TransCanada through our online application form. We will no longer be accepting applications through email. Location of the work is required, along with the proximity to TransCanada’s rights-of-way. This information can be obtained through survey plans, or through a One-Call visit (please see above for One-Call contact information).
2. Complete and submit the online Crossing Application
The online application can be found here: WrittenConsent.TransCanada.com
3. Application assessment and consent
Once your information has been assessed and potential impacts have been evaluated, TransCanada may:
a. Grant consent without any conditions
b. Grant consent that requires certain conditions to be met to assure safety, or
c. Not grant consent
4. Work or activity
Once consent has been granted, the Applicant must follow the guidance included in the written consent. A local One-Call notification center must be contacted at least three (3) business days before beginning the work. TransCanada will send a representative to mark the location of the pipeline facilities. Please plan your work schedule accordingly. The approval documentation must be onsite at all times.
Want to learn more? Read our Pipeline Crossings FAQ.
Pipeline Crossings FAQ (27 KB)
Regulatory requirements and other guidance governing crossings and ground disturbances near pipelines:
National Energy Board
Alberta Energy Regulator
Alberta Pipeline Act — Pipeline Rules (460 KB)
For more information, please contact us:
Email (Quebec):
Road Use Applications and Road Ban Notifications
Industry Notifications
Documents — Working Safely Around Pipelines