What Matters to You, Matters to Us


We are committed to protecting the environment. Not just because we have to, but because we want to.

We know that our natural resources and green spaces are precious. That's why Build Strong supports organizations that strengthen environmental stewardship through local and regional investments that care for our air, land, water and wildlife.

Is Build Strong for you? Apply now

Students from Tlapanaloya, in the State of Mexico, joined in the creation of “fuelling stations” at their high school


Helping fuel natures pollinators

Mexican students planting flowers to attract bees and butterflies

“Watching the young kids’ faces when the first bees and butterflies approached the flowers they had just planted a few minutes ago, was a very special moment.”

That was the impression that Edna Garcia, Community Investment Specialist for TransCanada in Mexico, got during the first School Planting Day, organized by TransCanada and Save Our Monarchs (SOM).

Learn more

Apply for Funding

Help build strong habitats in your community. Apply for funding under our environment focus area if your organization aligns with one of the following categories:

Conservation Organizations: we partner with organizations that protect ecologically sensitive landscapes and species at risk

Habitat Restoration: we invest in organizations that aim to protect and restore important habitat for wildlife

Environmental stewardship: we invest in programs that provide opportunity for environmental stewardship

Environmental Education: we invest in initiatives that educate the public about the importance of the environment and sustainable practices

More than 15,000 volunteer hours logged in 2017

$17 million donated to more than 1,400 non-profit organizations in 2017

Record $3 million+ in employee and matched company donations in 2017

Meet annually with 1000s of municipal representatives, emergency responders and community members

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