The amount to be collected and set aside each year is approved by the NEB. As of December 31, 2017, the balance of funds set aside in the trust accounts are provided in the 2017 Abandonment Funding Forms for individual pipelines viewable in the forms above.
We are required to collect and set aside funds for all of our federally regulated pipelines under NEB jurisdiction. This includes the Canadian Mainline, NGTL, Foothills and TQM natural gas pipeline systems and the Keystone oil pipeline system.
Our customers who transport natural gas and oil through our pipeline systems are levied a surcharge to cover costs associated with the abandonment of those pipelines. This surcharge is collected and protected in trusts established for each individual pipeline.
Yes. The NEB requires a periodic review process that includes public participation to ensure appropriate funds are collected for pipeline retirement. We also regularly assess our finances to ensure adequate funds will be available when needed.
Smaller pipeline systems, including GLC, rely on letters of credit or surety bonds that are filed with the Board as their set aside mechanism.
Most of TransCanada’s Canadian assets are regulated by the National Energy Board (NEB). When TransCanada decides to decommission or abandon pipeline assets, the pipeline in question makes the necessary filings with the NEB. For example, NGTL applied to the NEB on August 18, 2016 to abandon a 266-kilometer section of the Peace River Mainline in Northwestern Alberta. On March 14th, 2018, the NEB approved the application after a regulatory review that included both written and oral evidence. More information on the NGTL’s Peace River Mainline Retirement Program can be found on TransCanada’s website
Additional information of NEB oversight of pipeline abandonment and the process by which the company must follow can be located here.
TransCanada sets aside funds for abandonment and decommissioning of pipeline assets using carefully prepared cost estimates. As part of the NEB’s MH-001-2012 public proceedings, TransCanada filed abandonment cost estimates (ACEs) where the reasonableness of the cost estimates was considered. The NEB examined the reasonableness of assumptions regarding proposed abandonment methods, scope and rationale for each abandonment activity considered to estimate costs for various activities, and the approach to the estimation of contingency and provisions for post abandonment. The NEB approved TransCanada’s first ACE Applications in 2014 that were in 2014 dollars.
The NEB committed to the public, all landowners, indigenous groups and interested stakeholders that cost estimates would be reviewed regularly, at least every five years to ensure sufficient funds are available. On February 8, 2016, the NEB initiated the 2016 Abandonment Cost Estimate Review for all Group 1 companies under its jurisdiction, such as the TransCanada Companies. The TransCanada Companies filed updated ACEs with the NEB on September 30th, 2016 reflecting costs in 2016 dollars. The revised 2016 ACEs also included details modifying its approach to estimating contingency, updated the NEB on consultation activities, and submitted a five-year preliminary decommissioning and abandonment plan. The five-year plan also addressed associated funding and impacts on funds set aside in each of the TransCanada Companies Abandonment Trusts. The NEB approved the TransCanada Companies updated ACEs on April 18, 2018. The most recently approved ACEs can be found on the NEB site at the links below:
NOVA Gas Transmission Ltd:
2016 Abandonment Cost Estimate
TransCanada PipeLines Limited:
2016 Abandonment Cost Estimate
Foothills Pipe Lines Ltd.:
2016 Abandonment Cost Estimate
Trans Québec & Maritimes Pipeline Inc.:
2016 Abandonment Cost Estimate
TransCanada Keystone Pipeline GP Ltd.:
2016 Abandonment Cost Estimate
Great Lakes Canada:
2018 Group 2 Abandonment Cost Estimate (NEB approval pending)
Eligible costs related to pipeline abandonment and decommissioning activities (collectively referred to as reclamation obligations) are intended to be funded from Abandonment Trusts. Pipelines with an Abandonment Trust as their set-aside mechanism pre-fund reclamation activities and seek reimbursement from their respective Abandonment Trust for costs incurred, subject to NEB approval.
On September 25, 2015 Foothills, a subsidiary of TransCanada, filed an Application to Decommission approximately 9.1km of pipeline of its system. The NEB approved TransCanada’s Application on December 22, 2015 and work to decommission the section of pipeline commenced shortly thereafter. When work was completed, TransCanada applied to the NEB on December 6, 2016 for approval of reimbursement from the Foothills Abandonment Trust for costs associated with performing these reclamation obligations. The NEB granted Foothills’ request to be reimbursed for the Reclamation Obligation Costs and issued an order directing the Trustee of the Foothills Abandonment Trust to release the amount of $1,644,567 to Foothills Pipe Lines. To view the Foothills Applications and NEB Orders, please click on the following links on the NEB’s website:
Download and read funding reporting forms and financial statements for some of our key NEB regulated Canadian natural gas and oil & liquids assets below.