Keystone Pipeline System

We have safely transported more than 1.5 billion barrels of crude oil since operations began in 2010

We have safely transported more than 1.5 billion barrels of crude oil since operations began in 2010

4,324 km (2,687 miles)

4,324 km (2,687 miles)

Receives crude oil supplies from the following receipt points: Hardisty, Alberta and Cushing Oklahoma

Receives crude oil supplies from the following receipt points: Hardisty, Alberta and Cushing Oklahoma

Documents and Maps

The Keystone Pipeline System plays a key role in delivering Canadian and US crude oil supplies to markets around North America. It stretches 4,324 km (2,687 miles) from Alberta to refineries in Illinois, Oklahoma and the US Gulf Coast.

Regulatory Contacts

The Keystone Pipeline System is governed according to regulations outlined by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and the National Energy Board (NEB).