We’re committed to maintaining open lines of communication. Please contact the individual office below with any questions, comments or concerns.
Gazoduc Trans Québec & Maritimes Inc. (TQM)
C/O TransCanada Pipelines Limited
450 – 1 St. SW
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 5H1
1.450.462.5300 1.800.661.3805
Toll-Free (North America)
For more information, visit our Customer Express website.
Our commitment to the safety of our pipelines and facilities is unwavering. In case of an emergency, please call our 24-hour toll-free hotline:
A key component in maintaining the integrity of our facilities is input from Indigenous communities, landowners and governments. If you have questions or concerns, please let us know.
450 – 1 St. SW
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
T2P 5H1
1.866.372.1601 (Canada)
TransCanada welcomes enquiries from media. Please direct any questions to:
450 – 1 St. SW
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 5H1
1.403.920.7859 1.800.608.7859
Toll-Free (North America)
We welcome enquiries from shareholders and prospective shareholders. Please direct all questions and concerns to:
450 – 1 St. SW
Calgary, Alberta
T2P 5H1