Opportunities for Indigenous Groups

We are proud of the relationships we’ve built with Indigenous communities and are committed to providing business, employment and training opportunities to the people on whose lands we operate. This involves, in collaboration with contractors and subcontractors, offering work opportunities and partnerships to qualified Indigenous workers and businesses and ensuring our contractors engage meaningfully with Indigenous businesses.

Contractors, Suppliers and Vendors

TransCanada seeks out qualified local, Aboriginal and Indigenous businesses for contracting and employment opportunities. We accept applications from contractors, suppliers and vendors looking to work with us.

To be considered, please visit our Vendors page at TransCanada.com/Vendors for details on the application process, including access to our registration from, qualification requirements and policies and guidelines that govern the way we work.

Read our Corporate Responsibility Report to learn more about Indigenous groups and contracting at TransCanada (5.15 MB)

Supporting skills training

As long-term neighbours of our natural gas pipeline system in Alberta, the Alexander First Nation identified heavy equipment operator skills training as a priority to help their members obtain quality jobs in and around their community.

Skills training supported by TransCanada at Alexander First Nation is one of the ways our operations can generate direct and indirect economic benefits for the communities where we operate.