Protecting Water

Protecting Water

TransCanada recognizes water as a fundamental component of the ecosystems where we operate. The protection of our water resources is of the utmost importance to both the environment and our business.

How We Protect Water

Whenever the potential exists for a proposed facility or pipeline to interact with water resources, we conduct evaluations to understand the full nature and extent of the interactions.

TransCanada plays a key role in advancements related to reducing the environmental impacts not only of our own activities, but across the industry. We continually study and predict the effects of pipelines on soil, surface water and groundwater conditions to ensure every possible step is taken to mitigate impacts.

How We Cross Water Safely

When planning to build a new pipeline, information is gathered about water bodies along a proposed pipeline route. This information, along with regulatory requirements, industry best practices, constructability and economic feasibility, is used to determine the pipeline installation method.

Read more in our water crossing fact sheet or watch the video below to learn more about the techniques we use to cross rivers and streams when installing new pipelines.


Case StudyCase study: Restoring Trout Habitat

Sometimes, small steps can springboard into giant leaps. After flooding in southern Alberta necessitated work on our NGTL Pipeline system, we took the opportunity to go the extra mile and restored the nearby habitat of the threatened Westslope cutthroat trout in Allison Creek.

Watch the video to learn more about our role in this important project.