Climate Change

Our commitment

As an energy infrastructure company, we recognize our role in the larger energy system, including the ongoing management of our own GHGs. We are committed to managing our GHG emissions, focusing on our GHG intensity and continuing to integrate climate considerations into our overall business strategy.

Examples of our commitment to managing emissions:

  • We have invested billions of dollars to date in emission-less energy sources, including nuclear and wind.
  • We have publicly documented climate change-related activities for nearly 20 years.
  • We are a founding partner in the US Environmental Protection Agency’s Natural Gas STAR Methane Challenge Program. We made a commitment to implement an industry-leading best management practice across our operations within five years to address emission sources specified by the program.

Read more about our climate change commitment in our 2017 CR report (PDF 3.62 MB)

Russ Girling -  President and Chief Executive Officer

"As a leading energy infrastructure company, the crux of our challenge in this changing energy landscape is to safely deliver the energy the world needs in an economically, environmentally and socially responsible manner. "

Russ Girling 
President and Chief Executive Officer


R&D: Environmental Innovation

Our commitment to reducing emissions and improving efficiency isn’t new. Far from it: for over half a century we have tested promising new technologies to minimize emissions and fuel consumption of our pipeline stations.

For example:

  • In 1964, we introduced the pipeline industry’s first Rolls-Royce Avon turbine. Today, our partnership continues with research into even higher efficiency turbines.
  • In the 1970s, we invented the pulldown compressor station to capture and recycle natural gas that would have traditionally been released through venting or flaring.
  • We recently supported the development of a new 16.5 megawatt gas turbine by our long-time partner General Electric. The NOVALT16 gas turbine raises the standards of efficient and reliable pipeline compressions, power generation and oil and gas plant compression applications.

Investing in a Balanced Energy Future

Our commitment to transition to a more balanced energy future extends to our business development decisions.

We are actively participating in supporting the energy shift from coal-fired generation to natural gas, nuclear and renewables. We have invested billions in emission-less energy sources, accounting for one-half of the power we produce.

We are also playing a key role in Ontario's successful elimination of coal-fired power generation through our 48.5 percent ownership of the Bruce Power nuclear facility. In 2015, we entered into an agreement with the Ontario Independent Electricity System Operator to extend the life of the facility to 2064. This agreement ensures reliable and affordable emission-less power for Ontario communities for decades to come.

Climate change is at the forefront of environmental interests at TransCanada.