Help deliver the energy that heats homes, powers our businesses and fuels our transportation, all with increasing achievements in safety, efficiency and conservation.
Our employees are energized by:
From head office to our field operations, we actively seek out a wide range of candidates for all positions. A diversity of backgrounds, opinions and skills strengthens our teams and drives innovation.
Our five corporate offices employ thousands of people in Calgary, Toronto, Houston, Charleston (WV) and Mexico City. Our field operations provide opportunities in hundreds of communities across seven Canadian provinces, 34 U.S. states and seven Mexican states.
Whatever the role, or the location, you have the opportunity to develop your career — and make what you do matter.
Our Total Rewards program is about more than just a great salary. Because no two people are alike, we provide flexibility, value and choice in our programs to meet your needs.
Rewards vary by country, job classification/level, and union group (where applicable). You will be provided with details relevant to your role during the hiring process.
Our commitment to respect the core principles of dignity, independence, integration and equal opportunity goes beyond our employees and extends to new applicants and others using our services. We are committed to ensuring that employees, applicants and customers with disabilities receive accessible services with the same quality and timeliness that others do.
We take our commitment one step further in Ontario to comply with legislation under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) and strive to provide our goods and services in a way that respects persons with disabilities.
The following 2014-2021 Accessibility Plan outlines the policies and actions that we have or will put in place to improve opportunities for people with disabilities in relation to our Ontario operations.
Information and communications: We communicate with people who have disabilities in a way that takes their disability into account. We are committed to meeting the communication needs of people with disabilities by providing or arranging for the provision of accessible formats and communication supports upon request.
Also, we respond to any question, feedback or any accommodation request provided by:
We deal with accessibility enquiries/requests/concerns/complaints immediately if at all possible. Any complaints that require more time and effort to address, such as consultations at a higher level, are answered within 15 business days. Privacy is respected at all times as per applicable law.
Assistive devices, service animals and support persons: We allow persons requiring assistive devices such as walkers and oxygen tanks, support persons and service animals to have access to our services in the same manner as other customers. Persons with disabilities may bring their service animal to premises that are open to the public or other third parties. If a service animal is excluded by law from our premises, we will ensure, depending on the specific needs, that alternate measures are available to enable the person to access our services.
Training: We provide customer service and human rights training to all our provincially regulated employees as soon as practicable following the start of their duties and on an ongoing basis in response to any material changes in policies, practices or procedures. The training includes:
Employment: We are committed to fair and accessible employment practices.
Notice of temporary disruptions: In the event of a planned or unexpected disruption at our facilities or with the services used by persons with disabilities, we endeavour, in combination with building management where applicable, to provide information on the reason for the disruption, how long the disruption is expected to last, and whether any alternative facilities or services are available, unless the information is not readily available or known. We provide the information by posting notices in conspicuous places including at the point of disruption, at the main entrance and the nearest accessible entrance to the service disruption, contacting any customers with appointments or any other method that might be reasonable under the circumstances. ·
Emergency procedure, plans or public safety information: If requested, we provide publicly available emergency procedures, plans or public safety information in an accessible format as soon as is workable. ·
Modifications to this Plan: Review and update this plan as necessary to ensure consistency with new or revised standards that are developed by AODA.
By January 1, 2014
By January 1, 2015
By January 1, 2016
By January 1, 2021